Now use the command to create the image:
docker build -t innolist:innolist .
1: -t innolist:innolist: Tag command, creates the image in the "repository" innolist with the "tag" innolist
2: . (Point): Find Dockerfile and innolist.jar in this directory
(This is only required once, after which multiple instances can be started based on this image)
Step 2: Execute in Container
This command runs the application in a new container:
docker run --name innolist_app -d -p 80:8080 innolist
--name innolist_app: Name of the container
-p 80:8080: Mapping of internal port 8080 (fix) to some custom port (here: 80)
Open application
Configuration Directory
InnoList saves configuration (and data, as configured) in the personal directory of the operating system user that executes the web server.
Depending on the operating system the personal directory differs:
Use this command to manually start the Spring-Boot application:
java -jar innolist.jar
(Minimum Java Version: 17)
(optional) The parameter "-Dserver.port=xxx" specifies a different server port (not after "innolist.jar", only effective before it), e.g.:
java -jar -Dserver.port=80 innolist.jar
java -Dserver.port=9111 -jar innolist.jar
Are these lines
(...) Started Application in seconds
INFO (...) Starting InnoList (Server Deployment)
visible in the output then the starting was successful.
Console Window of Started Server