<<  Overview
  1. System Configuration
  2. Configuration Parameters
    • Configuration Directory
    • Logging
    • Default Language

System Configuration

Using the configuration file system.xml basic settings for InnoList may be set.

Description Parameter Allowed Values Default Value
Configuration Directory
Sets from which directory/file the configuration of the installation is read/written. This is especially relevant for deployments in a web server.
configurationDirectory (Directories) (Runtime Directory)
Activates certain log output (only needed for troubleshooting)
true/false false
Default Language
The language for new or unknown users. If users are activated for an application, the users may still set their own language.
defaultLanguage en/de (depends on installation package)
Deactivate Running/Editing of Scripts
With these parameters the execution and editing of scripts using the graphical user interface is deactivated globally. The execution of Javascript is always possible.
Changes to scripts will then only be possible by editing the file system (directory scripts/).
true/false true

Locations for system.xml
Multiple files system.xml may exist, they are read one after another.

InnoList will look for the file system.xml in the following directories, in the order mentioned. The actual paths differ between operating systems.

Directory 1: InnoList Software Data Directory

Windows C:\ProgramData\Innolist\system.xml
Linux /home/[Username]/.innolist/Innolist/system.xml
Mac OS /Users/[Username]/Library/Application Support/Innolist/system.xml

Directory 2: User Directory

Windows C:\Users\[Windows-User]\.innolist\system.xml
Linux /home/[Username]/.innolist/system.xml
Mac OS /Users/[Username]/.innolist/system.xml

Directory 3: Execution/Runtime Directory

This is the directory in which the operating system runs InnoList or the web server for the deployment.
It may be set by a shortcut or by the command that executes InnoList/the webserver.

If a parameter is present in multiple files found, the last value is used.

Configuration Parameters

1. Configuration Directory

The parameter configurationDirectory sets the file/directory of the application to be loaded.

Example as complete XML-File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

If necessary, also the full path may be set:
<configurationDirectory>C:\productlist\Our Product List.apl</configurationDirectory>
Paths can have these separators: Slash: / or Backslash: \

2. Logging

Using the following parameters log output may be activated.

This is only necessary in special situations (e. g. Troubleshooting). The log files are written into the Software Data Directory
(For Windows: C:\ProgramData\Innolist, other operating systems see above).


  • logSql: Log all SQL requests
  • logDebug: Activate Debug Log Output

One example with all log output activated: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <logSql>true</logSql> <logDebug>true</logDebug> </config>

3. Default Language

With the parameter defaultLanguage the default language is set.

Values allowed:
  • en
  • de
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <defaultLanguage>en</defaultLanguage> </config>