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Storage Mode SQL: Installation of SQL-Databases (DBMS)

This page supports you in installation and configuration of a database management (DBMS) system that can be used by InnoList.

Install MySQL/MariaDB

Download MySQL: https://www.mysql.com
Download MariaDB: https://mariadb.org

The installation and execution of MySQL and MariaDB is very similar. Because if this the two database types are handled combined here.

You can download the databases as zip-files or as setup packages. Also a execution as a service is possible.
If necessary, start and stop MySQL/MariaDB using the following commands or the Start-/Stop Scripts of the respective installation:

Starts MySQL/MariaDB
bin\mysqladmin.exe shutdown -u root
bin/mysqladmin shutdown -u root
Stopps MySQL/MariaDB

As soon as MySQL/MariaDB is running, continue with the creation of a database.

Install PostgreSQL

Download PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org

In this description Microsoft Windows 10 is used as the operating system.

During the installation/configuration you decide:

  • Port: The port PostgreSQL listens to connections. The default port is 5432.
  • Data directory: The directory where the data is actually stored.
  • Login/Password: Login information for users of the database

Notice: The starting of PostgreSQL can fail if the data directory is located inside a user profile directory of the operating system. PostgreSQL might use another user to run and because of this it might not be able to access the directory of another user.

Notice: You should consider to create backups of the database regularly.

PostgreSQL can be executed as a service in Microsoft Windows.

If you want to configure the automatic starting of the service or shut it down manually, this can be done using the service management in Windows.
To start: Win+R for the execution window, enter services.msc there and run it. Then select the services list in the menu on the left.

The service typically has the name: postgresql-x64-10 (PostgreSQL 10 in Windows 10 64-bit).

Configure PostgreSQL using pgAdmin

If PostgreSQL is executed, pgAdmin (https://www.pgadmin.org) is a very helpful Management Tool for the next steps.

During installation a user in PostgreSQL should have been created, if not this can also be done in pgAdmin.

Beside a user you need a Database in PostgreSQL. For this select the server on the left and the node for the databases. Using right mouse button click a new database can be created there.

Give a name to the database and choose a user that shall be allowed to access the database.

As encoding you should use UTF-8.

By creating the database the configuration of PostgreSQL is finished.

Open InnoList now and change the storage mode of a InnoList application to connect with the SQL-Database (using JDBC).


  • Server name
  • User name
  • Password
  • Database name

as set in the configuration process.

InnoList creates some tables in the new database in PostgreSQL. Only one application in InnoList can be changed to connect to a specific database in PostgreSQL, repeating attempts to do this will fail.

Install Microsoft SQL Server

The support for Microsoft SQL Server will end soon. Please do not use this database management system any more and switch to an alternative provider.

(if you do not have Microsoft SQL Server available, Microsoft offers a free version with the name SQL Server Express)

Please install Microsoft SQL Server as described in its installation instructions.

Services For Microsoft SQL Server

To enabled the access beside the SQL Server service also the service SQL Server Browser needs to be started.

Services needed for SQL Server Express:

  • SQL Server Browser


Important: Microsoft SQL Server needs to be configured to accept connections via TCP/IP.

For this open the application Sql Server Configuration Manager that has been installed with your database. Select SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for [Instance Name] and change the setting TCP/IP to Enabled.

More information on this topic (at Microsoft.com):
Configure a Server to Listen on a Specific TCP Port

As soon as Microsoft SQL Server is running and configured, continue with the creation of a database.

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